Nov 18

Transversal workinggroups: technical support and training on the DRIIHM 's tools

Conference papers OHMi Nunavikhal-03272768

Corinne Pardo

Jul 26

Vers une démarche scientifique intégrative : l'exemple de l'Observatoire Hommes-milieux du Nunavik (Canada)

Journal articles OHMi Nunavikhal-02905692

Armelle Decaulne, Fabienne Joliet, Laine Chanteloup, Thora Herrmann, Najat Bhiry, Didier Haillot

Oct 7

Design, construction and analysis of a thermal energy storage system adapted to greenhouse cultivation in isolated northern communities

Poster communications OHMi Nunavikhal-02357168

Paul Piché, Stéphane Gibout, Didier Haillot, Cédric Arrabie, Jean-Pierre Bedecarrats, Daniel Rousse, Xavier Py, Nicolo Giordano, Jasmin Raymond

Oct 7

Managing and sharing research outputs in the LabEx DRIIHM : The Data DRIIHM group supports you !

Conference papers OHM Vallée du Rhône OHMi Téssékéré OHM Oyapock OHMi Nunavik OHM Pyrénées OHM Littoral Méditerranéen OHM Bassin Minier de Provence OHM Littoral Caraïbehal-02311053

Arnaud Jean-Charles, Fanny Arnaud, Emilie Lerigoleur

Oct 7

Workshop Timelines : Potentialities of chrono-systemic timelines to co-construct, analyze and communicate on the socio-ecological trajectories of OHMs

Conference papers OHM Vallée du Rhône OHMi Téssékéré OHM Oyapock OHMi Nunavik OHM Pyrénées OHM Littoral Méditerranéen OHM Bassin Minier de Provence OHM Littoral Caraïbehal-02311083

Fanny Arnaud, Emilie Lerigoleur, Arnaud Jean-Charles


Alternative and sustainable heat production for drinking water needs in a subarctic climate (Nunavik, Canada): Borehole thermal energy storage to reduce fossil fuel dependency in off-grid communities

Journal articles OHMi Nunavikhal-02553100

Nicolò Giordano, Jasmin Raymond

Jun 12

Development of a subarctic peatland linked to slope dynamics at Lac Wiyâshâkimî (Nunavik, Canada)

Journal articles OHMi Nunavikhal-02183190

Najat Bhiry, Armelle Decaulne, Myosotis Bourgon-Desroches


Economic analysis of residential solar photovoltaic electricity production in Canada

Journal articles OHMi Nunavikhal-02381892

Abdoulaye Sow, Mostafa Mehrtash, Daniel Rousse, Didier Haillot

Mar 14

Learning and insights from a participatory photography project with Cree and Inuit about the land (Nunavik, Canada)

Journal articles OHMi Nunavikhal-02080578

Laine Chanteloup, Fabienne Joliet, Thora Herrmann

Feb 11

Le LabEx DRIIHM : renouvellement et feuille de route 2020-2025

Conference papers OHMi Nunavikhal-03272903

Corinne Pardo